Monday 13 January 2014

Commenting on Posts

One of the features of a blog like this is that it allows readers to comment on the articles that are written.  It is hoped that a friendly discussion between members can evolve, especially if you have any additional tips on a posted topic, or additional information that you might like to share.  You can also reply to other people's comments - nicely please!  We would like to see the use of comments, as it also tells us what people want to read, and whether they are even reading at all!

How do you post comments, though, or know if anyone has made any?  It is quite simple.  As you scroll through the articles on the first page which is initially presented to you, you will see at the end of each article (on the bottom right) a piece of text which says either "No comments" or (for example) "2 Comments".  Either click on this piece of text, or on the main title of the article that you want to read/make comments on, and the article will be displayed by itself, with  any comments visible, and a comment/reply posting area below it.

When posting a comment, you really ought to enter your name.  You don't have to, but it is polite, after all!  In order to give a name, look at the box that says "Comment as", which has a number of options.   If you have a google account (for example, if you have a gmail address), one option is to use your user name.  However, if you do not have a google account, simply select the "Name/URL" option, and type your name into the first box.  You can leave the URL box blank.  Click on the "Continue" option and you can then type in your comment.  When you finish it, and are happy with the text, type "Publish".   It really is very straightforward, particularly once you have done it once or twice.

In order to make commenting easy and open to all our members, we have had to allow comments from the whole world as well.  This does lead to a possibility that rude comments could be posted by non-membership "trolls", as the world sadly seems to include a number of them who delight in this type of unpleasantness.  This can quickly demoralise people who are trying to give help to others, and can ruin a blog if allowed to do so.  In order to stop this happening, we will at first be using a "moderation" system - the comment that you make will not be posted immediately, but will be left for us to look at first.  We will then post them onto the website once we have checked them, so that we can filter any out from external sources that could be rude or upsetting.  This does mean that comments will not appear immediately, but it is, we think, necessary at the moment. Please bear with us, and be patient!

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