Wednesday 3 July 2024

Summer Show 2024 (online)

Finally, at last, tardily, where-on-earth-has-it-gone, we present the Summer Show to you, together with our apologies for the length of time that it has taken to collate it and get it onto the blog.

The show was a little difficult this year, partly owing to the weather which has meant that many possible entries just didn't make it, deer which apparently scoffed most of the entries for one of our more prodigious entrants, and also the fact that owing to other commitments, neither the Show Secretary or the Show Elf were able to bully chivvy you all along enough to remind you to put your entries in.  That said, we have still been able to mount a show, which is the main thing, and does mean that it will continue next year!

However, we would like to thank all of those who did take part as we dearly wish to keep the shows alive, whether the online Summer version, or the in-person Spring Challenge or the September Show which we regard as backbone meetings of the Club.  Next year, we will be harrying and threatening gently encouraging you all to organise early and increase the entries, as many forget that it is possible to take photographs over a longer period than just the day ahead, which does help with the weather.  We also do not require all entries to be in vases, as we do understand the reluctance to cut the blooms when they are not being taken to the Hall.  So, for those who did enter, and those who read the blog and look at the show, a big thank-you!

We also again extend a big thanks to Sylvia Pocock, our judge for the occasion.  It is becoming clear that the quality and presentation of the entry photos is important (although it won't make up for a poor quality exhibit), which is worth remembering for next year.

As usual, do remember - when you get to the bottom of the page, click on the button for "Older Posts" underneath the entries to move to the next set of classes.


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