Wednesday 12 November 2014

Coleus Competition ... and advance notice of next year's competition too!

The winning coleus is the burgundy shaded one second from the right.
At our October meeting, we held a Coleus Competition to see who had managed to grow the "best" plant from one of the seedlings supplied by Jilly earlier in the year (and a thank you for growing them for us - Ed).  This was a surprisingly popular event, and a thank you to to all who took part.

"Best" is of course a relative term - as none of us are real-life horticultural judges - but there was a clear winner based not just on bushiness but also on prettiness.  Step forward Mary Loome, for your Best Coleus prize ... and congratulations!  Second place went to Cheryl, and third to Margaret H.

Apologies for the poor quality of the photos - the one of Mary receiving her somewhat modest prize was not publishable, and the photos of the Coleuses are rather marred by the background of the painted cupboards, which was not apparent when taking the photo in the first place.  What can I say?  David Bailey, I am not!

Incidentally, the winning plant is the rather lovely burgundy coloured plant second in from the right.  It was particularly striking, and one should remember that all these very different plants all came from the same seed packet.

In  view of the popularity of the event, we are hoping to repeat it next year as well - the theme will be "most chillies on a chilli plant".  Seeds have been purchased in readiness, and you can even eat the results ... 

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